Our Lord Allah Almighty describes the Day of Judgment, also known as the Day of Resurrection or the Last Day, in vivid and powerful terms. Allah presents a detailed account of the events and occurrences that will take place on that Day.
Here are some key aspects of how the Quran describes the Day of Judgment:
The Trumpet Blast:
The Day of Judgment will begin with a tremendous blast of a trumpet. This sound will cause all living beings, including humans, to perish. It signifies the end of the world as we know it and the beginning of the next phase of existence.
"And the Horn will be blown; and at once from the graves to their Lord they will hasten." (Quran 36:51)
After the trumpet blast, Allah will resurrect all human beings, restoring them to life. The bodies will be brought back to their original form, but each person will be resurrected with their individual identity.
"Does man think that We will not assemble his bones? Yes, We are able to proportion his fingertips." (Quran 75:3-4)
Gathering and Accountability:
On this day, all people will be gathered and brought before Allah for judgment. The Quran describes how everyone will be brought forth, naked and uncircumcised, to stand before their Creator.
Each person's deeds, both the apparent and the hidden, will be accounted for.
"And the Day the Hour appears the criminals will be in despair. And there will not be for them among their [alleged] partners any intercessors, and they will [then] be disbelievers in them." (Quran 30:12-13)
The Scales of Justice:
During the Day of Judgment, Allah will weigh the deeds of individuals on the scales of justice. Good deeds will be placed on one side, and bad deeds on the other. This act symbolizes the fairness and justice of Allah in weighing one's actions.
"So those whose scales are heavy—it is they who will be the successful. And those whose scales are light—they are the ones who will lose themselves for what injustice they were doing toward Our verses." (Quran 7:8-9)
Presentation of Books:
Every individual will receive a book that contains a record of their deeds. These books will be given either in the right hand or the left hand, symbolizing the outcome of their judgment. The righteous will receive their books in their right hands, signifying their success and admission into Paradise. Conversely, the wicked will receive their books in their left hands, representing their failure and punishment.
19. The person receiving his document in his right hand will say: “Here, take my document and read it.
20. I knew I would be held accountable.”
21. So he’ll have a happy life., I was certain that I would be meeting my account.' So he will be in a pleasant life." (Quran 69:19-21)
"And as for the one who is given his record in his left hand, he will say, 'Oh, I wish I had not been given my record and had not known what is my account. I wish my death had been the decisive one.'" (Quran 69:25-27)
Crossing the Bridge:
Everyone will be required to cross a bridge called As-Sirat that spans over hellfire. This bridge is described as thinner than a hair and sharper than a sword.
Only those with pure hearts and good deeds will be able to cross it successfully. Those who fail to cross will fall into Hellfire.
"And there is none of you except he will come to it. This is upon your Lord an inevitability decreed. Then We will save those who feared Allah and leave the wrongdoers within it, on their knees." (Quran 19:71-72)
Paradise and Hellfire:
Based on their deeds and faith, individuals will be assigned their eternal abode. Paradise is described as a place of immense beauty, peace, and bliss, where believers will be rewarded with blessings and pleasures beyond imagination. Hellfire, on the other hand, is a place of torment and punishment for those who rejected faith in Allah Almighty and committed evil acts.
"But those who believe and do righteous deeds—we will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide forever. For them therein are purified spouses, and We will admit them to deepening shade." (Quran 4:57)
"But as for those who disbelieved, their refuge is the Fire. Every time they wish to emerge from it, they will be returned to it while it is said to them, 'Taste the punishment of the Fire which you used to deny.'" (Quran 32:20)
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