Sunday, April 21, 2024

Our Grandfather is Adam

Some evidence you will learn from this research:

* Adam born in Africa since nearly 60 000 years
* Our Ancestors have no genetic link to monks or any kind of other creature species.
So we are all African...
Researcher and presenter for National Geographic: Dr Spencer Wells

Time to really meditate these verses 
Holy Quran - Chapter 27

13. What’s the matter with you, that you don’t attribute to God due grandeur.
14. When He created you in stages.
15. Don’t you see how God created seven heavens in perfect harmony?
16. And He made the moon a luminary in them, and He made the sun a glowing lamp.
17. And God germinated you from the earth like plants.
18. Then He will return you to it, and He will extract you once again.
19. And God made the earth a spread for you.
20. So you may move along its wide roads.’

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